List of donations
OUR RESCUE IS SO BLESSED BY YOUR DONATIONS... WHETHER MONITARY, OR YOU BRING US A BOTTLE OF FLY SPRAY... OUR HORSES APPRECIATE EVERY SINGLE ITEM!! Most of these items can be found at our local Feed/Hay stores on 6th Street in Norco, but if you are farther away and wish to donate- we have Online Links as well.
Giftcards to Norco Ranch Outfitter,
- Fly Spray (Bronco GOLD)
- Fly Masks *Horse size*
- Brushes
- Buckets
- Poop Buckets and rakes
- Grass bag
- Nylon Halter (horse size)
- Lead lines
- 'Lunge Whips
- **Professional Choice SPlint boots** (size Large)
- Professional Choice Bell Boots (Size Large)
- Betadine Scrub
- Betadine Solution
- Zantac (Ulcer Horses)
- LMF Senior Feed
- Alfalfa Bales
- Orchard Bales
- Shavings
- Arena Sand
- Previcox
Tractor (Dreaming BIG)
We would like to thank you for your donation. . . Whether you give monetarily, or choose to donate much needed supplies to support our Ranch- We truly appreciate your generosity. God Bless you all.
“The two greatest gifts from God are...Salvation and the ability to understand the Spirit of the Horse. ”